孟子的王道思想,源自堯舜的「禪讓政治」─「天與之、天受之"Heaven gave it to him, Heaven accepted him."」「民與之、 民受之"The people gave it to him, the people accepted him."」「天視自我民視"Heaven sees according as my people see."」「天聽自我民聽"Heaven hears according as my people hear."」的主權在民概念。
故謂:「民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕。是故,得乎丘民而為天子。"The people are the most important element in a nation, the spirits of the land and grain are the next, the sovereign(emperor) is the lightest. Therefore to gain the peasantry is the way to become sovereign(emperor).James Legge,The Works of Mencius,op cit.,p.483""」(孟子盡心下)
「三代之得天下也,以仁;其失天下也,以不仁。It was by benevolence that the three dynasties gained the throne, and by not being benevolent that they lost it.Ibid.p.293"」「天子不仁,不保四海,諸侯不仁,不保社稷,卿大夫不仁,不保宗廟,土庶人不仁,不保四體。"If the sovereign(emperor) be not benevolent, he cannot preserve the throne from passing from him. If the head of a state(the prince) be not benevolent, he cannot preserve his rule. If a high noble or great officer be not benevolent, he cannot preserve his ancestral temple. If a scholar or common man be not benevolent, he cannot preserve his four limbs.Ibid.p.294"」(孟子離婁上)
周文王以「耕者九一"The husbandmen cultivated for the government one-ninth of the land",仕者世祿"The descendants of officers were enjoyed hereditary emolument"」等仁政(見孟子梁惠王下),治理西岐。
「耕者九一」與「仕者世祿」,其精神乃在,「有恒產者,則有恒心"If they have a certain livelihood, it follows that they will have a fixed heart."」。旨在,使得農民、士人皆有恒產,以保持行仁的恒心。
(取材自Alex Pan’s Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker