2016年1月29日 星期五


尋找造物主( The Creator )
So called Eleaticism (II)
{There can be no motion either ,for it would have to be a motion into something that is---which is not possible since it would be blocked---or a motion into something that is not---which is not equally impossible since what is not does not exist.
Hence, everything is solid immobile being. } ( Ibid.)
{吾人所熟悉的世界,萬物周旋,生成與消逝,僅是一個吾人信以為真的信念世界(意見) }
{The familiar world, in which things move around, come into being and pass away, is a world of mere belief (doxa).} ( Ibid.)
Parmenides就是堅持絕對存有( Being)不變的唯一性( the Oneness)與不動性 ( the Immobility ),不可能成為現象界的存有,有其生成與消逝。也因此,Parmenides"絕對存有"為真理之道或道("What is"; the way of truth ; the really true ),非感官知覺所能認知。其乃純粹本體( pure ontology ),沒有過去與未來,只有現在,且唯有理性始能認知。
依據持久的觀察而顯示,信以為積極性的, 比如俱真實存有者,此即光亮和溫熱。其為消極性的, 比如缺乏積極性的存有,此即黑暗和寒冷。}
{In the second part of poem, however, Parmenides tried to give an analytical account of this world of belief.
Showing that it rested on constant distinctions between what is believed to be positive--i.e., to have real being, such as light and warmth--and what is negative--i.e., the absence of positive being. such as darkness and cold.} ( Ibid.)
造物主是不動的推動者( The Immobile Mover )?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)     
Alex Pan TheWalker

2016年1月27日 星期三


尋找造物主( The Creator )
So called Eleaticism (I)
Xenophanes最先揭發此隱含在Anaximenes' philosophy"無不生有,有則不滅"的不變原理,推衍出唯一神論。
而這定律嗣後由Parmenides of Elea(half 5th century BC) 將其進一步闡明,並將其推展至極致結局。Parmenides成為所謂伊理學派的開創者,Xenophanes被視為其導師和先驅。{}(The axiom was made more explicit and carried its extreme consequences by Parmenides of Elea, half 5th century BC,  the founder of so called Eleaticism, of whom Xenophanes has been regarded as the teacher and the forerunner.) ( Ibid.)  
所以,Xenophanes這位愛奧尼亞( Ionian)的智者,對於"無不生有,有則不滅"的定律,居於承先啟後的地位。
Parmenides 堅稱,"所謂絕對存有"不可能轉化為存有,也不可能消逝。若然,豈不就是無中生有,又復消逝於無,援於無的本質就是不存在。
Parmenides insisted "what is "cannot have come into being and cannot pass away because it would have to have come out of nothing or to become nothing, whereas nothing by its very nature does not exist. ( Ibid.)
Parmenides能找到造物主---自有永有者 ?
{}有說XenophanesParmenides最長弟子 ( Ibid.,580)
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)     
Alex Pan TheWalker

2016年1月26日 星期二


尋找造物主( The Creator )
宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) 和萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) 的生命起源說(III)   
Anaximander的傳人,Anaximenes of Miletus, 同於Thales,將一種特殊物質安放在宇宙形成的起源。( like Thales, he placed a special kind of matter at the beginning of the development of the world. )( Ibid.)   
Anaximenes 似乎走回頭路,但是,這種評判失卻重點。Thales Anaximander皆不明指其他事物如何由水或混沌產生。(Neither Thales nor Anaximander appear to have specified the way in which the other things arose out of the water or apeiron. )( Ibid.)
Anaximenes還是宣稱,其他類型的物質因空氣(air)的壓縮(condensation)和稀化(rarefaction)而產生。(however, declared that the other types of matter arose out of air by condensation and rarefaction.)( Ibid.)
然而,Anaximenes 回歸Thales的物始,它即是一個不變原理,也是一個定律。
 (取材自Alex Pan's Digest)     
Alex Pan TheWalker

2016年1月23日 星期六


尋找造物主( The Creator )
宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) 和萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) 的生命起源說(II) 
Thales的傳人,Anaximander of Miletus (Mid-6th century BC)謂宇宙萬物源自混沌(apeiron) ,其乃無限無形、無以名狀(infinite and indefinite without distinguishable qualities)  
混沌自內生出相互對立的冷和熱(cold and hot) ""凝結為地和水(earth and water) ""又將地和水,蒸發出空氣和霧氣(air and mist) ,如是產生無量數的熱環(fiery ring) ,形成日月星辰,形構宇宙。
生命又如何開展 ?
Anaximander延續 Thales 的說法,認為生命源自海洋。所有陸地動物皆是海洋動物的後代,尤其,人類是鯨類(family of cetaceans) Galeus levis卵生鯊的後代,這種鯊將蛋所孵出的幼魚,放置於袋子(punch) ,直到幼魚可以獨立覓食。
Anaximander認為,"生命緊密受到源自海洋的潮濕(moisture)所制約。......此潮濕(moisture)將部分乾化、部分蒸發,直到所有生物又重返此無分別性的混沌,作為付出其因不公正所應得的懲罰,此乃因彼此生存競爭所致"(Life, being closed bound up with moisture, originated in the sea.......Gradually, however, the moisture will be partly dried up, partly evaporated, until in the end all things have returned into the undifferentiated  apeiron , " in order to pay the penalty for their injustice"--that of having struggled one another.)  (See, Britannica Encyclopaedia, op cit., 745)
 (取材自Alex Pan's Digest)     
Alex Pan TheWalker

2016年1月22日 星期五


尋找造物主( The Creator )
宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) 和萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) 的生命起源說(I)   
名列古希臘七智者(seven wise men; seven "Sophoi")Thales,何以被尊為希臘第一哲學家 ?  
Thales最早給予宇宙起源,以純粹自然生態詮釋,排除神祕成分,宣稱萬物皆源自水--據於內陸發現海洋生物化石的解說。( The reason that Thales was considered to be the first Greek philosopher is that he was the first to give a purely natural explanations of the origin of the world, free from all mythological ingredients, that declaring that everything had come out of water--an explanation based on the discovery of fossil sea animals far inland.) (Ibid.) 
其人 (和他的傳人) 傾向給予宇宙緣起非神祕性解說,無可置疑,此係由小亞細亞沿岸,文明領先於希臘人的若干民族所引領。{ His tendency ( and that of his immediate successors ) to give non-mythological explanations of the origin of the world was undoubted prompted by the fact that all of them lived on the coast of Asia Minor surrounded by a number of nations with civilizations much farther advanced than that of the Greeks. } (Ibid.)
Anaximander of Miletus,是Thales的徒子,Anaximenes of Miletus,是Thales的徒孫。希臘最早三位哲學家,皆是萬有蘊生論者(hylozoists) ,相信某種原始生命物質。師徒三代相續引進萬有蘊生論的宇宙一元論(The Monistic Cosmology) ,注入希臘文明 。  
Alex Pan TheWalker
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)

2016年1月21日 星期四


尋找造物主( The Creator )
 一個定律( an axiom )---- 無不生有,有則不滅( III )
 Arche, beginning這一用語,除了本身是一不變原理外,稱之物始(arche)或混沌(apeiron) 。這原理本身,經由諸多轉化仍維持不變 : "此一不變性原理的概念,進而推定一個理念,即無中不生有,吾人觀察到所有生成和消逝,無非是某存有的轉化,其本質上乃永遠不變"(This concept of a principle that remains the same through many transmutations is, furthermore, the presupposition of the idea that nothing can come out of nothing and that all of the comings to be and passings away that men observe are nothing but the transmutations of something that essentially remains the same eternally.) (Ibid.)
如此,物始的轉化,於其根底存在所有蘊藏法則----關於物質、力量和能量的蘊藏---其乃物理發展的基礎。(In this way it also lies at the bottom of all of the conservations laws --those of the conservation of matter, of force, and of energy---that have been basic in the development of the physics.) (Ibid.)
道可道,非常道 ; 名可名,非常名。(見老子第一章)
生滅不滅,何者不生 ? 何者不滅 ?
Alex Pan TheWalker
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)   

2016年1月19日 星期二

"人權之法理基礎" 再述(三)

尋找造物主( The Creator )
 一個定律( an axiom )---- 無不生有,有則不滅( II )
Xenophanes的唯一神論(Monotheism) ,乃源自"無不生有,有則不滅",此一定律。
"無不生有,有則不滅",即謂"無不生有,既是有,就不會真正消逝"(that nothing can come out of nothing and that nothing that is can really vanish. See, Britannica Encyclopaedia, 15th edition, Macropaedia, vol. 25, p.745)
此一不變定律,係由古希臘Thales, Anaximander Anaximenes最早三位哲學家,師徒一脈相傳的宇宙一元論所開創。
Thales of Miletus( flourished in the first half of the 6th century BC ) 認為太一( arche ; beginning ),即秩序井然的宇宙,其起源和形成 (the origin and the development of the ordered world or the cosmos ),是個實體( substance ) ,無論經由任何轉化( transmutation ) ,自始不變。(Ibid.)
爾後,這實體自始不變的概念,演成原理不變的定律( an axiom ) ----無不生有,有則不滅。
Thales of Miletus 認為太一(arche),即萬有的起源,beginning ,稱第一原理、第一元素,是個原理,也是個不變原理。就此而言,對於Thales僅是個起源,竟然演變成一基本原理,經由任何轉化仍維持原本。( What to Thales had been merely a beginning became a fundamental principle that remained essentially the same through all of its transmutations.) (Ibid.)
因此,arche, beginning這用語、這原理,獲得了新意涵,此一用語( the term ; a term),迄今在哲學上扮演分量重大的角色。(The term arche, beginning acquired the new meaning of principle, a term that henceforth played an enormous role in philosophy down to the present. Ibid.)
Alex Pan TheWalker  
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)   

2016年1月18日 星期一


尋找造物主( The Creator )
一個定律( an axiom )------無不生有,有則不滅 (I)   
Xenophanes的唯一神論(Monotheism) ,乃源自一定律,即"無不生有,有則不滅"
但是,人類是否同於天帝宙斯Zeus ,自己決定自己的命運(Aisa ) ?
Xenophanes並沒有作出引申。尤其,Xenophanes更沒有將統治宇宙的唯一真神,演繹出(deduct)宇宙萬有的唯一創造者( The Creator )
然而,西元前六世紀,希臘本土,由人稱荷馬( Homer )祖先的奧斐斯(Orpheus),以宙斯的原始神論,重組Hesiod 的神譜。希臘文明( Hellenic Civilization )自意大利南部輸入的一元論宇宙觀( The Monistic Cosmology ) 和唯一神論( Monotheism ),與奧斐斯(Orpheus)的宙斯原始神論交會,使得宙斯不但是宇宙的統治者,還是宇宙的創造者。這種結合仍需進一步整合。
Alex Pan TheWalker
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)   

2016年1月17日 星期日


尋找造物主( The Creator )
理性的唯一神論(Monotheism) :人們依據其想像造神 ?
西元前560年,從小亞細亞移民意大利南部Elea 的朗頌史詩和哲學思辯者,Xenophanes : 人們依據其想像造神,他辯稱,唯有一神統治宇宙,而此真神永恆不滅。  
( Xenophanes of Colophon, rhapsode and philosophic thinker, who emigrated from Asia Minor to Elea in Sothern Italy, (b.c. 560 BC) said :
Men made their own gods in their own image. He argued that there could be only one God, the ruler of the universe , who must be eternal. See, Britannica Encyclopaedia, 15th edition, Macropaedia, vol. 25, p.745)
( For, being the strongest of all beings, he could not have come out of something less strong, nor could he be overcome or superseded by something else, because nothing could arise that is stronger than the strongest. Ibid.)
Xenophanes毫不遲疑公開抨擊荷馬Homer的萬神殿,尤其是他的擬人神論。Xenophanes仍認為「萬神和萬人之上,存在一位主神。而祂的形體和思想都是不朽的。」(見默西亞 埃里亞德前揭書,第2册,頁197,註43)
Xenophanes也造出他的神 ?
不,Xenophanes依據一個定律( an axiom )
此定律又從何而來 ?
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)    
Alex Pan TheWalker

2016年1月14日 星期四

天祐台灣{序}--- (12)

台北市這條幹道命名為羅斯福路,有什麼用意 ?
因為四大自由 ?
因為大西洋憲章 ?
因為蔣介石感念羅斯福總統 ?
大學之道乎 ?
上帝是至善的,生而不有,為而不恃,長而不宰而且,上帝希望祂的造物同祂一樣好。(參考 : Timaeus 29e ff老子第十章第五十一章 )
誰能逆天 ?
天命之謂性,率性之謂道,修道之謂教 (中庸第一章)
當率性奮起為四大自由而建國 !
錄自 : 天祐台灣(III. 2007.09 )
作者 : 潘明正
筆名 : 劉蓁
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)     
Alex Pan TheWalker    

天祐台灣{序}--- (11)

大西洋憲章築基於四大主要自由,自由即普世人權至高無上的道德秩序為其終極目標聯合國承擔其實現 :
聯合國憲章如是揭示 :「重伸基本人權,人的價值與尊嚴,以及不分男、女與國之大小的平等之信念」(憲章前言) ; 「建立國際合作,......以提昇不分種族、性別、語言、宗教的獲取人權與基本自由」(憲章第一條第三項) ; 責成大會:「積極研究並做成建議書,以達成協助人類不分種族、性別、語言、宗教的獲取人權與基本自由的目的。」(憲章第十三條)
聯合國大會通過世界人權宣言」( 1848.12.10 ),宣言在其前言重申「言論自由、信仰自由、免於匱乏與恐懼的自由」等四大自由的珍貴。  
則羅斯福總統所謂 : 自由即普世人權至高無上
錄自 : 天祐台灣(III. 2007.09 )
作者 : 潘明正
筆名 : 劉蓁
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)     
Alex Pan TheWalker